Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Smoothie #6: Plain and Simple Banana Delight

Bananas. A delicious wholesome fruit. Although some people I know say they were a spice a long time a ago, but people didn't exactly like the idea of Bananas being spices so supposedly the government changed them and officialy called them a fruit. But I'm not 100% sure if that's true...

Anyways this is one of my all time favorite smoothies and is an excellent drink to have for breakfast or for a nutritious snack!

1 Banana

1/2 C Milk

1/3 C Ice

6 0z/2/3 C Vanilla Yogurt


1: Cut the Banana into little peices and put them in the blender.

2: Put in the milk, yogurt, and ice.

3: Mix until everything is blended smoothly and well.

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